Posted on December 7, 2020 by peddiebill. Peter is the apostle of hope. God must sing the song of His own heart. The Cross shall be forever the symbol of love's perfect triumph. Children’s Sermon Advent 3 year B: John 1: 6-8, 19-28. He lay down on the ground, and he saw a little bit of moss. "Poor overtaxed boy!" God in Christ takes man from the horrible pit and the miry clay, and sets his feet upon the rock, and establishes his goings, and puts a song of praise into his mouth. The other way is demonstrated by the priests and… He simply disclosed it to the world. John Piper Jan 27, 1985 75 Shares Sermon. ], Young Scott, the son of Dr. Scott of Greenock, is with us. The light is dim, and as you pass you see they are carrying one poor patient out of the common ward, and you know they are carrying him where he may die alone, without disturbing the others; and then, when you go out into the open air, and the light and shine of the sun, and feel the spring of health in your limbs, the simple thought that you are well thrills you! Wilberforce (B. The love of God has no shallows. It is the office of love to seek the final good of its object; to bless the object rather than pamper it; to raise and ennoble and glorify it rather than minister to its passing whims and caprices. Feb 3, 2012. It is true, affections are always painful when they cannot be gratified; and this is often the case among mankind. God's love to Jesus was more seen in giving Him that cup to drink, that so He might be the Saviour of men, than it would have been in snatching Him from the brink of death into heaven, His work all unfinished. The overflowing of each songster's heart, So filling mine, that it can scarcely hush. This love often uses terrible means to secure its purpose. It is no answer to say that the capacity to love was in God before by creation He found an object for His love. When we were born again, we were born into a realm where sickness and death does not exist. Commentary, 1 John 4:7-21, Judith Jones, Preaching This Week,, 2015. He brought me songs, he brought me flowers; And loud he carolled: '93Love is King!'94, And whispered, '93God is love,'94'97, When I grew old.2 [Note: Francis H. Let us not forget THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH HE WAS SENT, as a farther testimony that God is love. Even His death was the cup which His Father gave Him to drink, and though it was bitter, it was yet a love-token. Then see that true love begins with God, is received from God and changes us. Political Economy has told us that the law of supply and demand is final in trade, and that an enlightened self-interest is the highest motive which commerce can know. He not simply has love or exercises love. CONCLUSION: 1. The love of the Eternal for every human soul is an eternally enduring love. A. Bible> 1 John> Chapter 4> Verse 8. In the fair bow athwart the falling shower. Triumphant Light. The people gathered and Mr. Moody ascended the platform and began to preach. Pearse (M. G.), Short Talks for the Times, 1, 10. 1 Yr. A, Advent 3 Lessons: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 December 14, 2014 Psalm 126 . The New Testament prophet brought the blessed news of Christ’s coming, announcing the Messiah and preparing the way for Him. The collect and readings for the Third Sunday of Advent may be found here. "Of course!" The New Birth Produces Love. Everywhere. The New Birth Produces Love. Reflections of lectionary text, pop culture, current events, etc. It should be no surprise, then, that love is our theme as we continue to observe Lent. You are in perfect health, for instance, and you don't think about health. Meeke lambe of God before all worlds behight. John Piper May 12, 1985 48 Shares Sermon. There is a story of a lad who was devoted to his father, and who stole some money from his employer's till. God also has His fire; and the fire is your religious life. '93I am trying to empty the sea.'94 '93Silly child,'94 said St. Augustine, '93you can never empty the sea with your little bucket.'94 '93As well may I try,'94 said the child, '93as you seek to explain with your finite mind the infinite Being of God.'942 [Note: C. Hepher, The Revelation of Love, 38. God's love is the key to the mystery of pain and sorrow.'97This epigrammatic sentence fits all graves, it fits all cemeteries; it is the word that is written on the portals of the churchyard, '93God is love.'94 I have seen a strong man reel over his son's grave as if he would plunge himself into it, for there was nothing worth living for after that one boy had gone. He shrank, as every sensitive man would shrink, from having his work bought by vulgar men, to be hung up in their galleries or on their dining-room walls, not because they cared for art, but because it was the fashionable thing to patronize art, and prove your wealth by the pictures with which you lined your walls. says the mother; "I must not permit it"; and he grows up with a flabby mind that is not fit for such a world as this. To preach the gospel of health is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. And heart so moved with beauty, perfume, song. Dec 3, 1989. The love of the mother was stronger than the hunger of the hawk. (1) It may be said that the passages which ascribe affections to God are figurative, and ought not to be taken in a literal sense. '93What are you crying about, my friend?'94 he said gently. Here man finds his most perfect good, and God works through every other good to this. Love is something true of God, but it is not all of God. Love exists, not for the sake of the world, but for God's sake; and when the world came into existence, Love remained unchanged; and if every creature were to disappear, it would remain just as rich and glorious as ever. Scripture: 1 John 4:7–21. Especially in Christ is there fathomless beauty and glory. ], The old Greeks, whose civilization developed along the line of architecture, and painting, and the decorative arts, said, '93God is beauty.'94 The Romans, led by the C'e6sars on a hundred battlefields to victory, until they boasted that the Roman eagles never turned backward, said, '93God is strength.'94 The Jew, inheriting from Moses, the great law-giver, said, '93God is law.'94 It was not until John had laid his head upon the Saviour's bosom and communed with Jesus Christ that any man was able to say with confident heart, '93God is love.'942 [Note: L. A. This subject warns sinners to flee from the wrath to come. Christ did not create, He revealed, the love of God. 7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7-10 English Standard Version (ESV) God Is Love. Children’s Sermon from John 1:6-8, 19-28 about the John the Baptist Pointing to Jesus. God has poured out the wealth of His redemption. (1) The first form of love in the history of each of us is that of a child to his parent, and, as a rule, it is the weakest form; but it contains and exhibits in an exceptional degree the first and … (3) It may be asked, "How is this notion of Divine affections compatible with that perfect immutability and simplicity which all divines ascribed to the Deity?" 1 John 4:8 . ), City Temple Pulpit, iii. It appears from what has been said that God is pleased with the existence of everything which takes place in the universe. Benevolent affections form the moral beauty of the Divine character. St. John's statement does not imply that love's activities are necessarily in accordance with human conceptions of love. As well expect the fly that crawls on the dome of this majestic cathedral to interpret the purposes and methods, the disposition and attributes of the architect. We are taught by the life of Jesus Christ to see God's love not in the gifts of fortune, or in health and outward happiness, but in the supreme gift of making us sons of God, and giving us the work of sons to do.1 [Note: P. J. Maclagan, The Gospel View of Things, 175. It is significant that we have these words not from Jesus but from John. St. Peter's Episcopal Church John 1:6-8, 19-28 . God is love - An infinite fountain of benevolence and beneficence to every human being. Why leaps the streamlet down the mountain's side. 1 JOHN 1:1-4. Sermon Bible Commentary. Οὐκ ἔγνω, knoweth not) Is not born of God, and knoweth not God.— ὁ Θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστὶν, God is love) ἀγάπη, without the article, as in 1 John 4:16. Colour like the turf and dead grass? The text for this morning’s message is the Epistle for this day. Of saints and seraphs, round the Throne above, Proclaim for evermore, that God is Love!1 [Note: Thomas Davis.]. God has poured out the wealth of His redemption. That was a thousand strokes in one laceration, and I, brother in grief, fellow-mason in tears, I say, God-is-love.1 [Note: J. Parker, The City Temple Pulpit, iii. "God is love." The Word of God feeds you, the common hymn and the common prayer thrill you; it is all fuel for the fire. "God sent His only begotten Son." height: 400, The Greatest Love. We may reject it or receive it: God must give it. Men have rejected it, treated it with contempt. What he knows is … So is it with some of you. The Greatest of These Is Love: An Introduction to the Series. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. Feb 17, 2008. It includes the body. The eternal true and living God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the God who transcends time and space. Scripture: John 1:1–5. Yet of this much we are assured, that His power is such, as to be incapable of being controlled, and that His happiness is such, that nothing can enhance or augment it. Wiersbe paraphrases 1Jn 4:8 - "“The person who does not have this divine kind of love has never entered into a personal, experiential knowledge of God. Is it not a parable of the All-Father's love? MAN'S PRESUMPTUOUS CRITICISM. Share: This is the place where every person who calls themselves a follower of Christ has been and needs to go often. Retail: $39.99. The unborn man was in His thought as day by day '93God saw that it was good.'94, There are many books in God's world, on every page of which is inscribed, '93He is love.'94 The beauty of the landscape, the wonderful provision for every creature's want, which meets them every moment, the happiness of family life, each man's own little history, the inner fountain of pleasant thoughts that plays in the bosom, the exquisite adjustment of providences, the tenderness and care of an Almighty Father, which we can trace everywhere, the patience of that Father's pity, our bright and happy homesteads, our full cups'97they all teach it, but they teach it only to those who have learnt it first in a higher school.1 [Note: James Vaughan. Love made earth. Scripture: 1 John 4. ***** Sermon on 1 John 4:8-9 ***** By: Rev. ], There is a pretty story of St. Augustine. Our Price: $27.99. Love built heaven. By His coming the Body of CHRIST was formed and believe… ), Sermons which have Won Souls, 429. He knew that whatever of God's life was manifest through Jesus of Nazareth was eternally true of the Almighty Father, and he told it all in three sublime and immortal words, '93God is love.'94. 1 JOHN 4:7: THE BOND OF BROTHERHOOD, 543. channel: "iconday" Some mother quails have lost their lives in that way, no doubt, but they have saved the nest. Where the hot sun has left a faded wreath. With respect to THAT BEING WHOM WE CALL GOD, infinite as He is in all His perfections, our limited understandings can comprehend only a very small portion of His excellence. Read verse in New International Version The frosts of winter work for the harvest. III. But Christ came; Calvary came. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. The one who fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:7-10 English Standard Version (ESV) God Is Love. His wrath must be the holy wrath of love. And Mungo Park saw this beautiful little bit of moss; and it said to him, '93God is love'94; and he was not afraid, for he saw, even in the little bit of moss, '93God is love.'942 [Note: James Vaughan. ], We are told of a painter who chose to remain unknown; the man of genius, the born painter, who refused to paint because men would not understand, would not properly appreciate his work. He thought of Him who went about doing good; of His self-denial and poverty for man's sake; of His compassion on the multitude; of His sympathy for the bereaved; of His kindness towards the outcast; of His tears at the grave of Lazarus; of His message of forgiveness to the sin-stricken; of His words such as never man's sake; of His washing His disciples' feet; of His death in pity for human sin; of His resurrection into immortality and glory, John thought of all this as setting forth the life of God in its fundamental meanings. '93Mother washes her hands of you,'94 was the reply. And I have seen young people take the studies in which they had been long immersed, and with them light the fires of sordid pleasures and the many foolishnesses of fashionable life. What a hackneyed text you have taken!'94, But look here'97look into all old creeds, where God is said to be Cruelty, and Lust, and Caprice. Did you ever start a quail from her nest, and follow her as she flew low and with only one wing, almost within your reach? Jesus Christ in the Sermon–Presence or Absence. We take the words for granted; we speak the word '93God'94 as if we knew all about it, and the great verb '93is,'94 as if it were one of a dozen verbs of equal merit; and '93love,'94 which the boldest lexicographer has never successfully defined, we roll glibly off our tongue. But this is not all that the sun does. It would be impossible to believe it did we not know that "God is love." John Piper Feb 3, 2012 3.1K Shares Sermon. Sermons; Children’s Sermons; Hymns; 1 John 1:1 — 2:2 SW-Admin 2019-08-15T17:32:09-07:00. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. Read full chapter. and it is in this above all that He stands forth not as an abstraction but as a person, confronting others in the offer of fellowship (1 John 1:3)." One glimpse is all my utmost skill supplies. It is significant that we have these words not from Jesus but from John. I. John Piper Mar 16, 2008 33 Shares Sermon. They exist merely for the sake of a greater thing than themselves. John Piper Feb 17, 2008 37 Shares Sermon. When Christ came God was glorified in Him. O glorious Morning-starre, O lampe of light. Is it conceivable that through an eternity the Infinite Perfection should have been yearning in unsatisfied longing for something to love? 1 John 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV). Carter (T. T.), The Spirit of Watchfulness, 206, 218. Cooper (T. You join hands with others in the joy of worship. The truth of the assertion, that God is love, appears in His PROVIDENTIAL DEALINGS with the children of men. Pardon, hope, life, for all the world; the break of the eternal day. God's love is a sufficient guarantee for the future.'97Our immortality is a necessity to God. What grace of old reveal'd, that God is Love! This knowledge of Christ's character is the primary source of John's knowledge of God. Did you ever examine a little bit of moss? But He loves us all, and will never cease from loving us, no matter how far we stray from Him. Nothing but love has ever reigned on the throne of creation; nothing but love ever will reign. "Beloved, let us love one another." Love, love that once for all did agonize, Shall conquer all things to itself! 1 John 4:16 - We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. They appear as two vague figures wrapped in clouds; the man half recumbent, the woman lying prone on the ground; time in the form of the woman illumined with a bright light; death in the form of a man overshadowed by his own form, and knowing nothing of the secrets that are hidden in his stern keeping. In the sermon today, we shall discuss 1 John 4:7-12 and see the difference between what the world calls love and truth love. ], 2. Be, that thy grasp may fail not! He has been telling it unweariedly through the ages. 1 John 4:8 Sermons: He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. But look into old creeds, look into modern philosophy, where God is Force without heart, and Law without pity. In perfect love there are three elements, which may best be seen by examining the three states of life in which they are respectively most prominent: the filial; the fraternal; the parental. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. This subject suggests matter of great consolation to those who are interested in the Divine favour. '93How commonplace your sermon is! He had addressed her in verse, but what verse could express the love that was his? GOD WILL WORK OUT THE PROVISIONS THAT HE HAS MADE SO THAT THEY SHALL NOT MISS WHAT THEY AIM AT. Nor that the flowers create the summer? Why comes this fragrance on the summer breeze. Lectionary Sermon for 20 December 2020 (Advent 4B) on Luke 1:26 – 38 → Lectionary sermon 13 December 2020 (3B) on Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11 and John 1: 6-8,19-28. Read verse in King James Version This is man's highest good as God reads it; this God feeds, for "God is love. ], I was at Doulton's wonderful art works the other day, and saw one superb specimen of art'97an illustration of a dream of Dante's. I was admiring the figure of Beatrice'97the exquisite workmanship, the pose and grace of the figure. Or diving ocean's coral caves among. One effect is joy. And so it happened in the case of the poor native dying in the Mengo Medical Mission in Uganda. He is self-existent, eternal, holy, merciful, full of grace, immutable, just, omnipotent, omniscient, and many more things besides. Though countless be the notes, that God is Love! 1. ], Love has been active everywhere. 1 John 4:8(NASB) Verse Thoughts What a beautiful truth it is.. to know that God is love, and that the love that we are called to manifest in our lives, has its source in the divine love of God. 1 John 4:7-12 1 John 4:8b-9 "God is Love" Lent Introduction Love is mentioned nine times in our Bible reading and twenty-one times in verses 7-21. GOD HAS MADE SUFFICIENT PROVISION TO SECURE EVERY MAN'S HIGHEST GOOD. His holiness is the wholeness of His love. 1 John • Sermon • Submitted ... John is sometimes referred to as the expert on love. There is a very famous English poem — of course you know who wrote it — it is called "Pictor Ignotus," the painter who chose to remain unknown; the man of genius, the born painter, who refused to paint because men would not understand, would not properly appreciate his work. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. In forest, river, lake, rock, hill, and lawn. How commonplace! This brief sentence imparted to John, even during the mere time which he took in writing it, more delight than the whole world can impart. Wilberforce (B. 1 John 3. Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8,19-28 December 11, 2011 Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I. 58 (trans. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. Come Sunday morning, the sanctuary was packed. 2. II. Of all this globe;'97such thrilling ecstasy, Expands my heart, as I the sight unfold.3 [Note: Dante, Paradiso, xxxiii. "Love is His innermost nature. It matters not: to God to tell Himself was a necessity, for "God is love.". He was not in a mood to hear any preaching, he was not in a condition to hear even the gentlest tone; he must be watched, we must wait for him; he must feel it like a man before he answers it like a man. How can we Thee requite for all this good? The entire passage found in 1 John 4:7-21 speaks of God's loving nature. It is when you speak of the Cross, when you speak of the "Lamb of God," of the sins of the world being laid upon Him, that men begin to hesitate and stammer. God must express Himself for His own sake. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] In the second sentence of this section, John adds the comment that those who don't love have no fellowship with God. We are never to depart from the literal sense of Scripture, without some apparent necessity. Pulpit Fiction, plus podcast. When God was manifested in Christ, in the man Christ Jesus, that man fulfilled the whole law, of which the second great division is, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Where? 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. As he pushed the door a little wider, his attention was directed to the sentence in the letters of fire above the pulpit, '93God is love.'94 He turned away, pulled the door to, went down the steps and went up the street muttering, '93It is not so. Have an example such as, I might bring my running shoes as I’m an avid runner and a plant as I am not a gardner. Sermon Notes for 2 John 1:4 Next Book → ← Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources ← Back to all Commentaries. But the brave little heroine whispered, '93Father, give me your hand'94; and holding her father's hand, though riddled with pain, she never moaned. The loving heart, not the EXCITED CONSCIENCE. Love made earth. John Piper Feb 17, 1985 77 Shares Sermon. you say. Scripture: 1 John 2:3–6. There is no other issue, if it is true that God is love. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. James is the apostles of good works. Who art thou, O man, with thy limited perception, blind to all the future — who art thou, that thou darest to say what infinite, omniscient, eternal love ought to do? Jesus did not say in so many words, '93God is love.'94 He taught by the inductive method. Love is the bedrock of the moral universe.'97Science has told us of a struggle for existence in which the race is to the swift and the battle to the strong, and God gives the verdict to the stronger. In Him Was Life. God only exists as a threefold relation of lover, beloved, and love'97the Father for ever outpouring Himself in love to the Son; the Son for ever in complete self-surrender returning that love to the Father; the Spirit ceaselessly uniting Father and Son, Himself the Bond of love. Jones (J. M.), The Cup of Cold Water, 155. John’s teaching here assumes that behind all truth in the spiritual realm is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17; 15:26). Thy name is Love.2 [Note: J. M. Jones, The Cup of Cold Water, 142. '93Ah,'94 said the gentleman who was showing it to me, '93that has to be fired three times yet; those colours must be made permanent.'942 [Note: J. M. Jones, The Cup of Cold Water, 165.]. ), Feeling after Him, 105. Scripture: 1 John 4. In the great house of God there are many treasures and jewels'97stars and planets, suns and moons; but above them all God values His human child. Before serving his sentence, he was allowed to see his sister, who came to visit him in gaol. He was sent into a world which was altogether "lying in wickedness." He has no need of the creature, and the exercise of His love did not begin with the creature whom He could love, but it flows and springs eternally in the Love-life of the Triune God. Love appears as a mystic angel with hands outstretched and mighty wings lifted upwards, and a waving robe blown across his body by a strong wind, and clouds of glory round about him, mounting into the empyrean.1 [Note: H. Macmillan, G. F. Watts, 258. But these were the mere trifles of God's works. We Use the highest to light the lowest. If God is universal and in communication with every human soul, then, when you bring these things together, it yields the truth that the eternal love of God extends eternally to every saint and sinner of the human race. (2) It may be said that affections are painful, and consequently cannot belong to God, who is perfectly happy. Real genius must express itself, even for its own sake. Therefore God has set His heart upon him, and visited him every day. His justice is love looking out on the great mass of His creatures. He is infinite in power, wisdom and glory. Men are required to imitate their heavenly Father. Have an example such as, I might bring my running shoes as I’m an avid runner and a plant as I am not a gardner. Sermon. The good of man includes the whole man. For answer to your question you must wait till you see the use made of the productions. Adrian Dieleman . His heart is in all His works. The ships are carried in by the tide, and only reveal its current. GOD SEEKS FOR EVERY MAN THE MOST PERFECT DESTINY; THE MOST PERFECT GOOD. No man invented these words. Let me address careless sinners in the language of warning and reproof. Moule (H. C. G.), From Sunday to Sunday, 123. Though summer is over and sweetness done. Does it not let in daylight and sunlight upon the dark experiences of this sorrowing earth? Parker (J. It is His very form that He looks on the things of others (Philippians 2:4f.) Love is that which shapes and guides all His attributes; so that each is manifested under the working of love, and each directed to the securing of love. Man is God's child. I feel inclined to deny it. He that loveth not, knoweth not God If a man loves not the children of God, those that are born of him, he does not know, so as to love God, the Father of them; for to pretend love to God, the begetter of them, whom he sees not, and not love those who are begotten by him, and are visible objects of respect, is a contradiction, and cannot be reconciled: see ( 1 John 4:20) . Examiner, Aug. 20, 1903, p. 180 (Jowett). Strength? Love One Another for Love Is of God. John Piper Oct 5, 2008 176 Shares Sermon. 1 John 4:7-21 The Source. The Divine love plants itself upon the cruel cross, returning love for hatred, a prayer for a blow, a crown for a cross, and with bleeding body and breaking heart the God-Man gives Himself for us. Oct 5, 2008. He is infinite in power, wisdom and glory. In Him Was Life. And God uses your whole soul, your whole nature, to supply fuel for that fire. God loves the good, the true, the pure, but His love rises higher that it may come down lower; and He loves me'97me. King James Version (KJV) Public Domain . Set it down as a certainty that God's love will win, that the gospel of love will tell. Are you not glad for your own sakes that God is love? Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. The following sermon focuses on the gospel, John 1:6-8, 19-28. Up and up it mounts, until the highest peak is reached that human life offers footing to. God had served man, created a perfect home for man'97served his intellect, quickened it by the problems which He had set him to solve; but He still needed the '93one word more'94 to tell all that was in Him. Were the mere trifles of God. `` may reject it or it! Pardon, hope, life, for God is love ; and this is not that. The Epistle for this day mean that love reached its full manifestation. apos! Long, Thou shalt ascend to that artist in addressing the wife he... 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Good of His providence New pastor and hearing him preach 12, 1995 95 Shares Sermon 2B on! Left to him who was SENT into a world which was altogether `` lying in wickedness. (. 19-28 about the John the Baptist is a necessity, for selfishness is the place where person... And ardency of the vulgarest and ignoblest thing in them, and lawn is received from and... Began to preach it appears from what has been telling it unweariedly through the drill of your work... Not terrible means to SECURE its PURPOSE into a world which was altogether `` lying in wickedness. brought! Human being who can use terrible remedies, loves means because it will submit. Other words come Affection, 23 ; 93Father, give me Thine hand. & apos ; 94 say! The loss of a greater thing than themselves Mar 16, 2007 114 Shares Sermon theme as we to... Others ( Philippians 2:4f., 2012 3.1K Shares Sermon drives out fear, because God is love ''. 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Its full manifestation. & apos ; 97Our immortality is a sufficient guarantee for the creature and 1 john 4:8 sermon not... S Sermons Hymn Lists ecstasies over such a commonplace thing as health form the moral Perfection of Deity! As already described, knoweth not God. `` love implies fellowship. & apos s... And said, & apos ; 93Father, give me Thine hand. & apos s. C. G. ), some Views of modern Theology, 83 perfume song. By, and he saw a little bit of moss is Force without heart, 64 His ;. He had addressed her in verse, but it is also the place where every person who calls a! Your own lives, at the records on the great mass of His providence warning and.. January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM, 9 this sorrowing earth never been able to find the reason preacher... Then see that true love begins with God, and God ’ s holiness and His service, were. Of approaching life and God ’ s Sermon Advent 3 year B: John the Baptist Pointing to.. Going to understand all that God is love you are going to all! The pure for the impure, the difficulty vanishes the fire to grave upon heart...